Thursday, September 23, 2010

Don't make him wrong: my marriage vows

I got married recently. We wrote our vows separately and surprised each other with them. I had been
jotting things down over a period of months, and one thing kept coming up for me: my beloved has zero
tolerance for being made wrong. It just doesn’t work for us. The first thing that I committed to in my
vows was to try to not make him wrong, and that if I wanted to make him wrong, I committed to figuring
out what was going on with me that caused me to do so. Because when you make somebody wrong it’s
information about you, not about them. I know, you probably don’t like hearing that either. But I’m right
on this. These unconventional vows really resonated with my beloved, as well as with the audience, the
men especially. They’re still talking about it. I think I struck a chord. As far as our marriage goes, so far so good.